How is Acton Academy ABQ affiliated with Acton Academy?
pg电子下载ABQ是全球300多家pg电子下载网络的一部分. 我们遵循与网络其他成员相同的学习设计(课程)和学习模式.
What grades do you offer?
Where is your school located?
pg电子下载位于阿尔伯克基Menaul Blvd NE 3100号. We are near the intersection of Menaul and Carlisle.
我们通常在八月下半月开始上课,在六月底之前结束. As with most schools, 我们每年至少有180天的课程,大约每6周休息一次。我们灵活的学习者驱动计划允许家庭在任何时候一起旅行,而不会受到重大干扰.
Find our school calendar here: Calendar
What is your tuition?
在2023-2024学年,所有工作室的年学费为9,900美元. 此外,注册时还需支付不可退还的500美元注册押金. 同一家庭每增加一名学生,可获兄弟姊妹八折优惠. 符合条件的家庭可获得有限需求的经济援助(高达学费的50%).
Do you enroll students mid-year?
Is the Acton Academy a Montessori school?
我们尊重并融入玛丽亚·蒙台梭利的哲学(尤其是Spark工作室), but we are not a Montessori school. We also use the latest interactive technologies, hands-on projects, and the Socratic Method for discussions.
Is Acton Academy ABQ a religious school?
阿尔伯克基pg电子下载的工作人员是基督徒,他们被要求签署一份基本的信仰声明. This is not asked of our students or families. 信仰和信仰的问题可以由学生或在苏格拉底式的会议上讨论, it is not a forbidden subject. 我们相信,尊重地听取和讨论许多观点是学习过程的一部分. 具体的教义或宗教教导留给个别家庭.
Who was Lord Acton?
约翰·埃默里奇·爱德华·达尔伯格·pg电子游戏试玩勋爵(1834-1902)是一位维多利亚时代的自由学者,他认为自由不是一种许可, but as the freedom to do what was right. He was suspicious of power for the sake of power, 这引出了他最著名的名言:“权力往往会导致腐败, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.“在pg电子下载,我们赞扬他捍卫经济、政治和宗教自由
What do you mean by a hero's journey?
We believe that each of us has a special calling in life, 还有一系列的考验和考验,必须带着正直和决心去面对, in order to live a satisfying and fulfilled life. 我们的使命是帮助您的孩子为他或她的特殊旅程做好准备.
What is an "independent learner"?
Someone who can research questions, follow instructions, 解决问题——承认他们不知道什么,当他们遇到障碍时找出解决办法——参与讨论, and strive for mastery.
Does Acton Academy ABQ serve special needs children?
我们无法为有严重学习障碍的儿童提供服务. However, 我们已经能够在个案基础上与外部资源合作为一些学习者提供服务.
What do you mean by "every child can change the world"?
我们相信我们的每一个学生都会找到一个激情-他们喜欢的事情,并有天赋去做. 他们会用这份天赋去服务他人,并满足他们在世界上所热衷的需求. This may be by becoming a shoe-shiner who tells stories and makes people's day just by doing his job with love and vigor; it may be by becoming a coach who sees the light in a child’s eyes and guides her to pursue a dream; it may be by becoming a father or mother who leads a family on a Hero's Journey; it may be becoming an entrepreneur or business leader guided by compassion and integrity; or it may be by becoming an artist or writer who brings beauty to people's lives.
Will children be grouped into grades?
我们认为,孩子们在与比自己小或大的孩子一起学习时学得最好,而不是仅仅根据年龄分成小组. 除了个性化的课程外,所有年龄段的学生都在小组中一起学习.
What is a “learner driven classroom”?
At Acton ABQ, 学生们通过共同商定他们的行为规则和对待彼此的方式来管理工作室(教室). 这些被称为“工作室契约”和“参与规则”。. 这些规则和契约在工作室中被突出地展示出来,当学习者通过挑战和发现更好的互动方式时,他们经常会重新审视这些规则和契约. 学生们也会预算自己的时间,选择一天中特定时段的重点领域. 我们坚信,当学生能够控制自己的学习时,他们会取得更大的成就.
Why a learner driven classroom?
At Acton Albuquerque, we believe in learning to be and learning to do, 其中一个重要的部分是鼓励孩子们对自己的行为负责,并要求他们周围的人达到高标准. When something isn’t working, 我们希望我们的学生一起努力解决这个问题, not look for an adult to solve it for them. 这创造了一种独立和自信的感觉,这将在生活的各个领域为他们服务
At Acton ABQ, we believe in the power of balance. Using the incredible, self-paced eLearning tools now available, we can provide the rigor needed for learning math, vocabulary, spelling, 每天花90分钟学习语法,剩下的时间用来学习, project-based learning. 值得注意的是,Spark Studio(4-7岁)没有使用个人技术,Elementary Studio(6-12岁)使用有限。